Ways In Which You Can Fix Your Bad Bite

Article By Remarkable Smiles

The best justification for correcting a poor bite is aesthetic. Adult braces and other orthodontic procedures are terrific methods to improve your smile if you don’t like it. However, if you’re debating getting braces, consider these other signs of a problematic bite. A bad bite rarely just affects your grin. It can eventually lead to various other dental issues if not treated.

The fact that bruxism usually occurs while you’re asleep and is frequently too quiet to wake you up makes it particularly difficult to manage. Many people battle bruxism for years before their partner or dentist notices it.

Tips to Control Bruxism

The best therapy for bruxism is to be provided with mouth guards or splints and, in extreme cases, to address the orofacial muscles that are to blame. These treatments, developed by skilled orthodontists, guard against teeth clenching and movement while you sleep and ensure that no damage is done. To lessen the possibility of having bruxism, or the regularity with which tooth grinding happens, you can try using the following advice in the interim:

Exercises Particular to Bruxism – Some professionals also advise practicing specific exercises for the mouth to lessen the intensity and frequency of bruxism. During our meeting, we can discuss some of these exercises.

The Remarkable Smiles team, led by Dr. Mark Rashidi, is knowledgeable about orthodontic procedures. He is an orthodontist in Laguna Hills who treats patients from Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, Irvine, and other cities—all forms of braces, including ceramic and conventional metal braces.