Cellan Diet Pills and free radicles

Free radicals are those “atoms, molecules, or ions….that may have positive, negative or zero charge” that are contained and works in your body according to Wikipedia. Free radicles are unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capture the needed electrons to gain stability. In other words, they are those free radicles that attack the nearest stable molecule stealing its electron. When a molecule loses its stability it becomes a free radicle and starts a chain reaction resulting disruption of living cells. Vitamin C (the other is Vitamin E) with its most abundant water-soluble antioxidants considered the best to fight free radicles. So, why not use Vitamin C rich Cellan Diet Pills to provide your body with the power to fight free radicles?

Cellan Diet Pills is rich with Vitamin C and B3. Cellan Diet Pills also contains inner parts of African Mango, 100 percent green tea extract, and an exclusive berry blend. Together they provide fighting power to eliminate free radicles, reduce fat absorption by your blood stream, boost your energy level, and help to lose weight. Information about African Mango can be obtained at Dr. Michele Cellan Diet Info and watch a video at http://youtu.be/b9AWY0gzLjk.