Are People with Hearing Loss at a Greater Risk of Getting Covid19?

During the Pandemic most people stayed indoors for months. This has been hard on our physical and mental health. And though it seems the world is moving forward in a more healthy new direction, there are still cases of Covid being reported each day. That’s why it’s important to maintain health-conscious habits such as wearing a mask and social distancing.

Those who are considered high risk should continue to be cautious. These warnings are typically aimed at those with high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. But authorities are also warning those with hearing loss. The reason for this is simple. Often those with hearing loss are also at a greater risk for other, more serious diseases. One study points to the fact that those with hearing loss are 54 percent more likely to have heart disease.

Since the start of the pandemic the general population has leaned more toward tele-health options instead of seeing the doctor in person. This can prevent someone from getting the thorough health exam they really need. More serious health conditions can go undiagnosed. It’s up to each of us to contact the doctor if we feel we have a problem in a certain area.

If your hearing has changed or your hearing loss has become worse, then get in to see a specialist right away. Don’t ignore symptoms, hoping they will go away.

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