Cellan to fight free radicals

The highly chemically reactive free radicals are defined by Wikipedia as those “atoms, molecules, or ions….that may have positive, negative or zero charge” that are working in your body. Some of the radicals are necessary to fight bacteria. They are also known to cause cell damage. An excessive amount of free radicals in the body could cause diseases such as diabetes, stroke, cancer, myocardial infraction, and many more. Antioxidants have …

Build Muscle and Have Your Pasta, too

Written by: Weight Gone Now

Pasta has a bad reputation; and it’s understandable, especially for people who’re trying to build muscle and stay lean. But not all pasta is bad for you. So that you don’t jeopardize your body-building efforts, learn how to transform your pasta meals from physique dangers to physique enhancers.


Pasta’s bad reputation comes from the way it’s made. The bad kind is white pasta. Milled and …

How to Make Protein Shake Recipes for Children

Kids love stuff with sugar and things that taste yummy.  So if you mention a few protein shake recipes to kids, they might get completely turned off, especially if they are meal replacement shakes.  But children need certain nutrients in their diet and protein is one of them.  Protein helps their bodies grow, fixes muscles, regulates metabolism, builds the immune systems and creates enzymes.  Children normally need about three …