Of the Old and Weary

Growing old isn’t just a fact of life, it’s also a mode of existence that we have to deal with. At a certain point, every kind of strain and all the stresses we’ve subjected our bodies to will take a toll on us, and sometimes with very painful consequences. We don’t know when it will hit, which is probably why prevention is best, but when it does come it pays to know how to properly and efficiently deal with them.

                Take a San Diego back pain case of a thirty-something year old man. He’s still basically within his prime when he started complaining about some minor back pains. He thought nothing of it and just used some painkillers to help cope with it, thinking that it was due to stress, but after a few weeks of doing so, it still wouldn’t go away. He went to San Diego chiropractic to check in whether it could be relieved there. They said that they could help with the pain relief, but it might be indicative of something more serious and was thus referred to a Spine Center.

                It was found out that he had Spinal Stenosis, where there was abnormal narrowing of his spinal canal, which would lead to symptoms of pain, numbness and loss of motor function among others. It is usually treatable without having to undergo surgery; treatment includes pain relief, exercise, weight loss and physical therapy. All of which he can do himself, but a chiropractor may best help him with the process of relieving the pain.

Article submitted by RB Spine Center. Physical straining in sports may take you off the court for more than you would like, acupuncture San Diego can help get you back into tip-top shape.Back, neck or spine-related problems may be serious, so if you do have these problems, check in with RB Spine Center.