How Exercising in the Rain Can Actually Be Beneficial

Written by: Nick Di Ruscio

There are numerous advantages to working out in the rain. First of all, it’s a challenge that not many people want to tackle head-on. Most people would prefer to stay indoors and push their run to the next day. Instead, why not take up this challenge so it can fuel you to train harder day after day. Here are some of the benefits that you can gain just by running in the rain.

Caloric Burn

Studies have shown that running in the rain and lower temperatures forces you to exert more energy, therefore burning more calories. This is especially great for individuals looking to control their weight and still utilize exercise.


The rain naturally creates a more intense environment for you to work out in. For one, your body will remain cooler so you’ll less likely suffer from heat exhaustion. This is an obvious benefit though. However, you’ll have to battle back against the natural weather, and combined with dropping temperatures, may have your lungs struggling at first. However, as with anything, with repetition and training, your body will begin adapting to these cruel training sessions.

It’s an Overall Great Feeling

So, there’s no heat exhaustion that you need to worry about, the neighborhood and trails are most likely near empty, and it smells fresh, why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of this? There’s something exhilarating about training in the rain. Remember back when you were a child stomping in puddles? The rain tends to bring out the inner you, but now in a conditioning environment.
